Where artists, writers, record labels, tech startups, musicians, filmmakers, producers, non-profits, video game designers, publishers, composers, fashion designers, studios, interior designers, and architects go for upbeat, untraditional intellectual property know-how.


Protect your assets without overcomplicated legal support that makes you want to bail.

That’s how we do things around here. Also, that’s a lawyer joke.

From comprehensive representation to à-la-carte assistance, our offerings help make sure you kill it in the creative world without killing your creative vibe.


Intellectual Property, Entertainment & Business Law

The lovechild of world-class legal experience and creative expertise, our full service representation has you covered all throughout your creative business. So if you’re looking for solid, strategic legal representation and counsel, without a stuffy style, Hi!

Legal stuff isn’t scary when you’ve got a legal team by your side every step of the way, just like the suits have at their disposal. And whaddya know, ‘helping creatives rock it in the creative world without rocking into the fetal position when it comes to IP rights’ is literally our firm’s motto.

Done DIY-ing, avoiding, or resenting your legal?